
Annabeth Novitzki teaches all levels of Voice, and beginner and intermediate Piano, primarily to adult students. She has a Masters in Vocal Performance and has taught, performed, and conducted music for over 20 years.

Annabeth's teaching style is very organic; as a facilitator of meditation at CircleAnywhere, she continues to infuse these powerful mindfulness skills into all aspects of her music performing and teaching. She balances experimentation and exploration with just enough structure that's intentionally rooted in the enjoyment of music. These lessons are very personalized to each individual student.

If you're interested in working with Annabeth, the first step is to book a free Exploratory Call. This is a chance to meet on Zoom, ask questions, and find out if it's a good fit for everyone. You can book a free 30-minute Exploratory Call here:


Music lessons with Annabeth are $100/hour

If this amount is prohibitive for you, please check out the Sliding Scale policy here:

Alan Watts speaking about singing

We don't need music, yet music has existed in every culture in the history of our species.

We don't need music to survive. We need it to thrive.


Create Your Own Value

In my early years as a teacher I believed it was my job to cram every lesson as full of information as possible. I thought that was value. But now I think of myself as similar to the internet: You could spend a lot of time and money with me and end up with nothing to show for it, or you could show up with ideas and questions and curiosities and I'll take you as far down those paths as you like. That's how real progress happens.

Bring It

My studio is not a space for correct answers and proper behavior. I promise to bring my authenticity to the table, and I invite you to bring yours. When I say "How are you?" you're welcome to give me the real answer. Our bodies are the instruments of music, and we can only truly express what's really going on inside us at that moment.

My Idea of Discipline

I used to think discipline meant consistently doing things you didn't want to do because you should do them. Predictable misery, basically. I've adopted a new definition in my mind: discipline happens naturally when you choose to be a disciple of your passion. If music is your passion and you choose to pursue that love for music, you will follow where it leads you. You will practice as naturally as you smile at a friend. You will put the work in because it won't feel like work. It will feel like an adventure.


A fantastic podcast episode from my brother,

who has been a primary influence in my life, musically and as a human being: